Toni Grguric, 68 years old, only wanted a new pair of glasses. However, an examination by his optometrist Astrid van Os brought a surprising diagnosis: cataracts.
Glasses alone were no longer enough to solve his vision problems.
For a long time, Toni had been struggling with another challenge: constantly switching between sports glasses, computer glasses, sunglasses and his normal glasses.
It was clear for Toni: no more compromises, no more glasses.
He decided for refractive cataract surgery at the Binkhorst Eye Center, where Astrid van Os continued his treatment and examinations. These included a quick scan, a preliminary examination, and a detailed analysis of his eyes to get a comprehensive understanding of his visual situation.
To provide Toni with a „full vision package,“ the decision was made to use a combination of two intraocular lenses from the ACUNEX family.
For his dominant eye, the Acunex Vario was chosen, for clear vision in the distance and in the intermediate range. The Acunex VarioMax Toric corrected his astigmatism while providing good near vision.
The operation was a success. The first of two standard check-ups took place the day after the surgery, with the second check-up following one month later. If needed, additional check-ups are scheduled to address complications or concerns.
Toni strictly followed all post-operative instructions, such as avoiding heavy lifting and strenuous activities.
The combination of the ACUNEX Vario and the ACUNEX VarioMax Toric IOL now allows Toni to drive safely at night, play sports without glasses, and enjoy sharp contrasts and vibrant colors.
Toni has been the passionate treasurer and membership manager of his soccer club, Terneuzens Boys, for 26 years. Without the cataract surgery, he would have had to give up his beloved hobby.
Today Toni says: “I am more than satisfied.”
Information on ACUNEX Vario and VarioMax Toric