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Patient journey #4: Dr. Ruben Aquino
Cataract & Presbyopia
A long-term report after 9 years

Dr. Ruben Aquino is now 73 years old and lives in the Philippines. He is a practicing eye surgeon in his own clinic. Nine years ago, he noticed a change during his surgical procedures. His vision was deteriorating due to the onset of cataracts. Eye surgery was and is Ruben`s life and poorer vision was unacceptable for him.

Nine years ago, he wanted to have surgery on both eyes as soon as possible. With high expectations of the visual outcome, he chose his colleague Dr. Cesar Espiritu as his surgeon. In 2015, femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery and EDOF lenses were already available. With these lenses, it is possible to achieve good vision up to the intermediate vision range. It was the introduction of refractive lenses. They promised more natural vision with less glare and light effects.

Seeing like a 30-year-old at 73:
Modern cataract surgery makes it possible

In 2015, Ruben had no restrictions in his daily life. However, as a passionate sports shooter and billiard player, he knew, it would be important to see well in the distance and into the extended intermediate range of vision after the cataract surgery.

For his daily work as a surgeon and also to be able to read well, good near vision was important for him. Seamless vision from distance to near was his goal. Only a combination of an EDOF lens (LENTIS Comfort) and a multifocal intraocular lens (LENTIS Mplus X) was able to achieve his individual visual results.

The operation on the first eye, the dominant eye, went smoothly. The LENTIS® Comfort was implanted in the morning, and by afternoon, Ruben could see well.

Three months later, the second eye was implanted with the multifocal LENTIS® Mplus X. Ruben could see well just one day after the operation. A slight glare and a slight pressure increase in the eye were side effects, that quickly subsided. Ruben was soon able to resume his work as an eye surgeon.

Even 9 years after the surgery, Ruben sees like a 30-year-old, with seamless vision from near to far.

Information about LENTIS Comfort

Information about LENTIS MPlus X